23 Following


The DASH Diet Cookbook: Quick and Delicious Recipes for Losing Weight, Preventing Diabetes, and Lowering Blood Pressure - Mariza Snyder, Lauren Clum

easy and tasty recipes for heatlh

Forks Over Knives: The Plant-Based Way to Health - Gene Stone, T. Colin Campbell, Caldwell B. Esselstyn Jr.

eye-opening book

Forks Over Knives - The Cookbook: Over 300 Recipes for Plant-Based Eating All Through the Year - Del Sroufe, Isa Chandra Moskowitz

great, easy recipes vegan

Still Alice - Lisa Genova

Wonderful book about alzheimer's. A must read.

The Elfstones Of Shannara - Terry Brooks

another great book in the series

The Wishsong of Shannara - Terry Brooks

Great book, will keep your interest

The Sword of Shannara - Terry Brooks

Awesome fantasy book

Magic Kingdom For Sale/Sold - Terry Brooks

I read this book 5 times it is so good

Great for all ages

Total Flirt: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques Every Girl Needs to Get the Guy - Violet Blue

Learn to flirt, many good techniques some you will use some not.